September Rain...

Well, although it's not official, summer has ended.

I woke early this morning to beautiful thunder, lightening and a downpour of rain. (And the sound of a wet kitten wanting in!)

With fall approaching, summer festivals have ended and touring must commence. We're going to take it slowly and locally and then launch fully into a sweet little UK/Belgium tour in October.

For September we have some lovely and exciting dates coming up:

September 12: House Concert at Emmerdale Eden Farm in Summerside PE

September 23: Showcase for Music PEI at Marc's Studio (for conference members only)

September 27: Double bill with Modern Grass at Halifax's Fort Massey Church (for info and tickets go here:

September 28: Duo show with Chris Gauthier at the Souris Showhall, PEI


Chris and I are currently working on our next record, aiming for more of a duo than a band record. People have been asking for a long time to have a record like our live shows these days. We are really excited to bring that to reality and excited about the recording process.  Look for that in the new year.

Hope to see you somewhere down the road!




Happy New Year!


Lazy, hazy days of summer...