Quick update:
I'm happy to start sharing the news that I'll be heading west this winter, braving the mountain passes and the cold cold Alberta air.
It's been a VERY LONG time since I've toured in BC apart from festivals, and I'm pumped to get back. And to some new-to-me places. (How have I never played at The Dream Cafe Penticton ???)
Still a few dates to fill in there... but it's pretty much set.
Some shows are yet to go on sale, and more details to follow, but I'll keep you posted as we roll.
And if you feel like it, please share this with anyone who you think would dig it!
Especially excited to share the stage first with Gordie MacKeeman and his Rhythm Boys (FEB 1) and then Mama's Broke (FEB 7)! All details on my website. 
Thanks to my agents at I Book Shows for keeping me on the road!

That's it for now... THANKS!


New Song and Video - Changing


October update